Friday, July 25, 2014

Taking Stock {4}

I first posted this back in September, and again in December, and then again in June. I originally got it from Keira, who I think got it from Sydney...who got it from someone else. 

Making: a mess. Packing sucks. 
Cooking: Nothing. 
Drinking: water. 
Reading: Like no Other by Una LaMarche
Wanting: to know things. 
Looking: forward. 
(quit) Playing: games with my heart
Wasting: productivity hours
Sewing:  memories
Wishing: for...the future? 
Enjoying: summer weather
Waiting: for Friday and my train ride. 
Liking: this weather!
Wondering: what's next?
Loving: Kids. 
Hoping: To find Sparks next year. 
Marvelling: at the fact that the end is here. 
Needing: more sleep. and a better mattress. 
Smelling: indoors
Wearing: New sandals!
Following: the leader
Noticing: how much I need more sleep
Knowing: that I should do more work. 
Thinking: about doing more work. and how many things there are to do. 
Feeling: chilly! I need the sun to come out and the weather to warm up. 
Bookmarking: jobs. 
Opening: my mind
Giggling: over children's antics

Monday, June 9, 2014

Taking Stock {3}

I first posted this back in September, and again in December. I originally got it from Keira, who I think got it from Sydney...who got it from someone else. 

Making: Thesis happen. 
Cooking: leftovers from camp. 
Drinking: vodka and fresca.  
Reading: No More Dirty Looks. And things for the thesis. 
Wanting: To be done the thesis. 
Looking: at the future
(quit) Playing: games with my heart
Wasting: vegetables.
Sewing: words...into a thesis. 
Wishing: for travel opportunities
Enjoying: Quiet time after a busy weekend
Waiting: for edits. 
Liking: this weather!
Wondering: what's next?
Loving: Kids. 
Hoping: To find Sparks next year. 
Marvelling: At how close I am to the end. 
Needing: more sleep.
Smelling: vodka and citrus. 
Wearing: C's old STAFF pants.
Following: my heart
Noticing: the little things
Knowing: that I should do more work. 
Thinking: about doing more work. 
Feeling: cold feet. despite the super warm socks I am wearing. 
Bookmarking: jobs. 
Opening: my mind
Giggling: over children's antics

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June Goals

1. Finish thesis.
This beast has been hanging over me for far too long. I'm feeling it dragging on my soul! I need to get'r done.

2. Schedule thesis defence.
Which will come with having written the beast.

3. Read a book every week.
I've been reading a lot lately, and I'd like to keep it up.

4. Make sure at least one of them is not fluff.
Some of the books I've been reading (Aftershock and Afterburn, I'm looking at you!) have been less than intellectual, to say the least. Not that I have a huge problem with that, but I like to find balance.

5. Find a new place to live and move in.
I have until July 1.

6. Go to the beach.
Summer is coming!

7. Get a mani or pedi with the Sparks girls
The parents treated us to a manicure for an end of year treat. WOO.

8. Simplify as I get ready to move.
I will be moving twice this summer. Once in my neighbourhood, and then 8 weeks later back to Ontario. I'd rather simplify the moving process. This, unfortunately, means I will be living more or less out of a suitcase after I move, but with some careful planning it hopefully won't be too bad.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Joys of Uneducated Youth

Two weeks ago, I was walking home on a Saturday night. I had missed my bus, and was trying to decide whether I should walk the rest of the way home or sit it out. A (cute) young gentleman happened to stop and ask if I were lost. I explained my plight, and decided to walk with him, as he was walking my way.

We got to chatting about what we do, what we want to do in life, mathematical, scientific, and financial literacy, among other things. About 2/3 of the way, it somehow came up that he had been in Scouting as a tween, and that I was still an active member of Guiding.

"Oh, so you're a feminist then."
"Yes, I am."
"So you believe in gender roles." (please notice that is a statement, not a question. This is about the time I lost interest)
"Quite the opposite, actually."
"Well, but your mother can only be your mother." (fawning over the eloquence...)
" dad stayed home to take care of us when we were kids. Really, 'mother' and 'father' are just names, we could call them 'Jack' and 'Jill' and they would still be my parents"
"Yeah, but only your mother can like, give birth to you."
"OH, so you're talking about sex/biological roles."
"Gender roles"
"Gender isn't...a binary thing..."
"Well your definition of gender is a lot more lenient than mine"

Needless to say, I was unimpressed with his narrow-minded definition and understanding of gender, sex, and what "gender roles" are and what they imply. The real cherry on top, however, was when he said I was "just made because [he] called [me] out on being a feminist."

Let's just say that I am not, nor will ever be, ashamed of being a feminist.
I believe that everyone deserves equal treatment and equal rights.
I know that this is not currently a reality.
I know that some people are doing everything they can to fight this inequality.
I know that some days, I don't do enough.
I believe that wanting to facilitate change is not enough.
I know that it is better than nothing.
I know that I am a feminist, and I will not tolerate someone using it as an insult against me.
I believe that people of my generation who are uneducated about gender do not deserve my time unless they are willing to participate in conversation and are open to being educated.

And I believe that it is OK to take a chance and talk to a stranger and risk idiotic conversations.

May Days

Apparently I'm not so great with the whole blog thing.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

I'm feeling very Olympic

Oh Hi!

I'm back. Coming to you straight from my couch where I am mainlining Olympic coverage (before they take it off the internet) while attempting to run statistics for my thesis.

I cannot get enough Olympic coverage. I have a problem. Speed skating, figure skating, snowboard cross, name it, I know some random tidbit factoid about scoring, Olympic records, or favourites to win.

People often ask me how I get so involved with these sports I would never otherwise watch. Honestly, it's the spirit of the Olympics that get me. If there were a prize for crying during Olympic montages, I would win. The joy of winning, of being at your peak, of sharing that moment with someone...I can't help it. I cry.

Watching the women's hockey final (wooo gold #4!) at school, we put the game up on the projector in a conference room. One of my supervisors thought I was going to pop a blood vessel, and was concerned about what would happen if we lost. My other supervisor asked us how much time was left after that beautiful goal was scored during overtime. We had to explain sudden death to her.

Needless to say, I'm sad to see the Sochi Games come to an end. However, I need to get back to reality and back to work!

Until Brazil!