Monday, September 9, 2013


I wrote this last night, while suffering from an extreme bout of insomnia. I figured it would be safer to give it a re-read in the morning instead of posting right away.

It is now 2:30am.
My brain will not stop running, and despite the physical exhaustion that brought me to bed 5 hours ago, I am still awake.
What plagues me this evening? Many things. I give you a list, the first of many, I'm sure.

1. Wishing and hoping about things I can't change, that are out of my control, and from days gone by. Lost causes are best thought about late at night, right?
2. Why can't I sleep? (The ever popular question of the insomniac)
3. I wonder how my meeting is going to go tomorrow? (It's at 11)
4. I guess I can have a coffee in the morning, but that doesn't bode well around 3 in the afternoon, and that's when I'm in class tomorrow.
5. Oooh...what do I want to wear tomorrow? Gotta keep up a good impression for class.
6. Ugh. TAing.
7. I guess I can watch another episode of The Big Bang Theory?
8. Mmmm...they're eating Chinese...what am I going to have for dinner tomorrow? What about lunch?
9. Is it tomorrow yet? Oh wait, it's 2:30am. That is, by definition, tomorrow.
10. If I go to sleep now, I get 5 hours of sleep.
11. Or I could push my alarm back 30 minutes...that would be good.
12. I wonder if there will be a lot of people in The Den tomorrow, I could take a nap.

What is it about Sunday nights that bring such strong insomnia?

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